Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Talking to myself

I know I haven't written much so far,and there is lots more to come, recipes, ideas etc.
But if there is anyone out there, who happens to stumble across this blog and it touches them someway,please leave a comment. Although I am more than used to talking to myself, it would be nice to know I am not alone and there are kindred spirits out there somewhere!


I feel like a butterfly, stuck on fly paper! I want to fly,but the more I move the more I get stuck!

Saturday, 16 April 2011

The Beginging

It has been a while since I started my blog. I really wanted to start my new post sooner but every time I went to type I just couldn't. It was like having a new book, with all those lovely clean, white pages and not wanting to spoil them. There was also the subject of matter, nothing terribly interesting to write about. I started thinking about my reasons for starting my blog. So this is the beginning of my first post.
  I am never alone my days are full and busy. I am surrounded by my wonderful family, which I would not change for the world, but when I have time to think about things, I am ,if honest, a little lonely. As a mum I always think I am the only one  thinking and feeling the way I do. I am writing this for two reasons, to tell other mums that they are not alone, muddling their way through too. I am not terribly clever as you can probably tell which is a bit worrying as I am trying to homeschool my twin daughters. I am not the perfect mum, I shout, sometimes, I say things I regret, sometimes, I make plop cakes,  but, I always try hard to be the best mum I can, My blog will always be honest! It is not about how perfect my life is or the wonderful things I do or make. It is about sharing. I would hope that maybe along the way I will gain a few friends and we will know that no matter how near or far we are, we are not alone, Id like to think we could share the good the bad and the ugly , the ups and downs and celebrate being down to earth muma's.